Who am I?

The question “who am I?” is more than a little daunting. I could answer on an existential level or more simply on a human level. I am, at this current moment, a man with a blog and too much time. 

But more personally I am a History and Politics student from the UK, that is interested in everything from politics, culture, and current affairs to what is the best filling to be placed between two potato waffles.

As the name of this blog (hopefully) suggests I will be writing and arguing, mostly with myself, about pretty much anything that peaks my interest. I will start by defending the humble (yet versatile) potato waffle. 

Potato waffles are very much the answer to the question “what would happen if bread, a potato,  and a colander were spliced and genetically combined?”. They can be stacked, with a filling, to replicate a sandwich; they can even be left without a lid and act as beans or cheese on toast. Needless to say, they are clearly one of (if not) the best form of potato. They are rugged, simple yet complex, amusingly shaped, and most importantly reliable. They are what we all aspire to be.

Back to the blog

Have you ever gotten fantastically bored and done something that’s more than a little random? Well I have and this blog is very much living evidence of that fact. If you have any ideas for an article or just simply want to get in touch then feel free to reach me on any of my socials; if not then have nothing more to say to you. 

